A Brief Overview of Closing the Gap Healthcare

Health is important to everyone in each of its aspects, namely the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. This is a broader meaning than just the absence of diseases. Sooner or later, everyone needs access to medical care. And although everyone has a natural inalienable and inviolable right to health care. However, there are some gaps in the provision of services and access to full assistance in all aspects related to them and they need to be addressed. At the 2017 Health Forum at the University of Sydney, there were many discussions on closing gaps in health care. The main goal of this event was to find a way that would provide universal access to integrated care, improve coordination and management in hospital situations, and receive medical care to resolve some bureaucratic problems with any health problems.

The prioritization of health care in the activities of some public institutions, individuals and private companies leads to the improvement of many aspects of health care, health care processes and access to such. Thus, for a long time, the means to "close the gap" has greatly simplified access to treatment and health.

Ability to influence improved access

The innovations and adaptations made to users are put into practice, for example the implementation of closing gaps in health care to gain more trust from consumers and improve the quality of all health services.

The following factors may prevent you from receiving medical care:

  • Difficult access to medical services in remote areas
  • Current procedure for financing processes
  • Difference in costs across the state
  • Current Medicare cost model
  • Access, availability and update speed of online information

IT connection

The main aspects that worsen the connection and form a barrier between users and the medical system can be geographical and digital or IT aspects. Ideally, the system should work for the patient, but should also be convenient, practical and informative for both patients and staff. IT is already eliminated by many applications. Such closing gaps in health care in particular involve the following ideas:

  • digitize your history
  • communication with the doctor
  • archiving your history and relevant documents
  • diagnostic gap
  • obtaining a regularized prescription.

Because in today's globalized world, most people search for information on the Internet in the first place, and often it is not confirmed or true, it is necessary to establish communication and prevent the spread of false information. In addition to the opportunity to break the barrier of literacy in the information received through IT tools, you can also get a good tool for communication between patient and patient. The latter is very useful both for patients, for the necessary information and appointment of planned procedures, and for patients with chronic diseases, for whom it is especially necessary to monitor changes in the condition.

Complexity of payment and expenditure procedures as an obstacle

The current system is not only often built with difficult services for the user, but is also unsuitable because we pay for any available work, regardless of its quality and the availability of any results. Because of this, it was proposed to change the approach to this, namely to create a new payment system. Its peculiarity is that with the help that led to catastrophic cases, as well as complications, the cost of services is reduced. Thus, a kind of policy is pursued to encourage quality work and improve methods to improve the level of medicine.

Prevention and intervention

Clinics that usually provide primary care have the same goals and almost always functions, but in reality there are some obstacles. The Sydney Forum generated many ideas on the inclusion and content of universal health care, on informing consumers, improving their literacy and providing consumers with sufficient knowledge to navigate the system, simplifying methods of communication between consumers and health professionals, supporting the motivation of medical staff. There is also a problem of rational use of medical staff's time in the case of the need for comprehensive care or in cases of care for the elderly.

Cases with chronic and serious health conditions

A large number of patients with chronic or severe diseases will always be present. Moreover, new and unexplored ones are emerging that require special care and research. All this requires both sustainable funding and some changes aimed at maintaining joint plans for the medical care of patients with chronic diseases. Thus, it is worth working on tools that would allow you to share information with other professionals and that would be reliable. It is also worth working on a culture of collaboration and integration so that professionals with different specializations can easily monitor and treat patients side by side.

In general, the following approach is formed:

  • Development and implementation of an agreed and coordinated model of care.
  • Integration of the model between local medical organizations, such as primary health care facilities.
  • aImplementation of a reliable payment system.
  • System of joint electronic accounting.

Because the concept itself is user-centric, each application should also provide an opportunity to respond to queries and express their ideas and recommendations, as illustrated by the solutions of https://getvim.com/.


To sum up, closing the gap healthcare is a challenging field which involves improved communication between medical personnel and patients. It goes along with the need to ensure better IT connections in order to prevent diseases and facilitate treatment of chronic and serious health conditions. And although the initiators of all changes regarding closing gaps in healthcare are doctors and public organizations, the responsibility lies with everyone.