Product Updates and Enhancements

Please find below a list of Feature updates/releases that happened in our first quarter! You can find more details about each one by going to our Changelog.
Hacker Platform Improvements
Indian Rupee Payments
Hackers in India will no longer lose a portion of their bounty to transfer fees as we now support payments to Indian Rupees.
My Programs
We’ve introduced a new page on the Hacker Dashboard called My Programs. Hackers can better manage all of the programs they’re a part of by including more filtering options, search, and statistics.
Hacker Onboarding
We provide new hackers that haven't submitted any vulnerabilities with a getting started checklist with 4 tasks to complete to guide them to be more successful on the platform.
Hacker Statistics
After hackers have submitted their first vulnerability, they'll be able to view statistics for these personal metrics on their Overview Page.
Hacker Calendar
If a hacker regularly participates in HackerOne Challenges, they might have found it hard to follow start and end dates, especially when engaging in multiple challenges at the same time. With the launch of Hacker Calendar, they can easily see all running challenges that they’re a part of and find their respective start and end dates.
Customer Platform Improvements
Export All Reports
Want all of your report data for safekeeping or just for analytical purposes? Programs can now export all of their reports through our new Export Reports feature.
Retesting Bundles
Programs can now purchase a bundle of retests with their HackerOne subscription. With bundles, programs are no longer charged a processing fee for each bounty, can predict their annual total spend better and can decide to purchase more retests when they run out.
Credential management
The new Credential Management functionality enables program owners to share credentials with hackers in the program easily. It’s as simple as uploading a CSV with credentials, and a new button will appear on your program page from where hackers can download the credentials.
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