Virtual roundtable
Recession-Proof Your Security Program
Featuring CISOs from Cisco SBG, Xerox, and Sumo Logic
June 14th
9AM Pacific | 12PM Eastern | 6PM Central European
2023 is panning out to be another challenging year for security leaders. Between the looming recession, ongoing tech layoffs, and climbing security incidents, uncertainty looms large.
Get tips for recession-proofing your security strategy from seasoned CISOs who’ve been through this before.
HackerOne’s CEO will lead this roundtable discussion with CISOs from Cisco Security Business Group, Xerox, and Sumo Logic to learn about:
- Lessons learned from past recessions and what security leaders can do to prepare
- Tips for consolidating and investing strategically for the best security outcomes
- How to adjust your security strategy if you face resource constraints