Connect With HackerOne Brand Ambassadors From Around the Globe

The HackerOne Brand Ambassador Program unites enthusiasts worldwide who are devoted to strengthening internet security and expanding the community of ethical hackers and information security specialists. Ambassadors from diverse corners of the globe take the lead in rallying their local communities, fostering a culture of collaboration, learning, and discovery.
These ambassadors are not just skilled in identifying vulnerabilities through bug bounties, pentests, and Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges; they embody the spirit of curiosity and dedication that drives the broader cybersecurity community forward. They actively engage others by hosting meetups, CTFs, and educational events, aiming to make the digital world safer for everyone.
Through this program, we aim to facilitate connections and collaboration across four main regions: North America, Latin America, EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa), and APAC (Asia-Pacific). Our goal is to inspire individuals to come together, share knowledge, hack collectively, and participate in events like the Ambassador World Cup, thereby creating stronger, more informed communities of cybersecurity experts globally.
Join the HackerOne brand ambassador community at our community website, a dedicated space for hackers, cybersecurity enthusiasts, and information security professionals from all over the globe. Sign up and join your country chapter.
Here is the list of current HackerOne Brand ambassadors around the globe.
North America:
- Rez0 / @rez0__ - US South
- Rhynorater / @Rhynorater - US South
- blvkhakr / @theblvkhakr - US South
- archangel / @ArchAngelDDay - US West
- Nahamsec / @nahamsec - US West
- ziot / @bbuerhaus - US Northeast
- similardisaster / @similardisaster - US Northeast
- ShaikhYaser / @yaser_s - Canada Central
- Smsecurity / @SebMorin1 - Canada East
- Emperor / @ravEmperorEye - Canada West
- Iamcheese / @iamcheese_real - Canada West
Latin America:
- samux / @saamux - Chile
- 0xteles / @0xTeles - Brazil
- Manoelt / @reefbr - Brazil
- Arthuraires / @arthurair_es - Brazil
- Niemand_sec / @niemand_sec - Argentina
- yess_2021xd / @Yess_2021xD - México
- thedaniux / @thedaniuxx - Ecuador
- pfelilpe / @pfelilpe - Colombia
- Adnanmalikinfo / @adnanmalikinfo - Pakistan
- fanimalikhack / @fanimalikhack - Pakistan
- Udit_thakkur / @udit_thakkur - India North
- Drsniper / @thedrsniper - India North
- 720922 / @rohsec - India North
- bughunter25 / @techyfreakk - India North
- Akshansh / @akshanshjaiswl - India South
- Encryptsaan123 /@3ncryptSaan - India East
- Smshrimant / @Smshrimant - India West
- idiablos / @iDiablo5 - India West
- xploiterr / @_xploiterr - India West
- krit_Sec / @Krit_sec - India Central
- Kickino / @kickino - Singapore
- Remonsec / @remonsec - Bangladesh
- Dhakal_ananda /@dhakal_ananda - Nepal
- Haxor31337 /@haxor31337 - Viet Nam
- lamscun / @lamscun - Viet Nam
- Mokusou / @Mokusou4 - Japan
- Ryotak / @ryotkak - Japan
- japz / @japzdivino - Philippines
- shubs / @infosec_au - Australia
- Hipotermia / @hipotermia - Spain
- Emenalf / @emenalf - Kenya
- theeeclipse / @Thee_Eclipse - Kenya
- Muon4 / @juhomyllys - Finland
- Arsene_lupin / @0xLupin - France
- dee-see / @dee__see - Ireland
- Securiel / @Wiktor_S - Poland
- gregxsunday / @gregxsunday - Poland
- Nagli / @naglinagli - Israel
- rotembar / @rotembar - Israel
- Ali / @alicanact60 - Turkey
- Blaklis / @Blaklis_ - France
- Amakki / @AMakki1337 - Saudi Arabia
- harris0ft / @harris0ft - Nigeria
- Dia2diab / @dia2diab - Egypt
- Djurado / @djurado9 - Spain
- Nytr0gen / @nytr0gen_ - Romania
- val_brux / @val_brux - Portugal
- green-jam / @GreenJamSec - England (UK)
- njcve / @njcve_ - England (UK)
- lauritz / @_lauritz_ - Germany
- s3c / @s3c_krd - Iraq
- sicksec / @OriginalSickSec - Morocco
- yassineaboukir / @Yassineaboukir - Morocco
- salahhasoneh / @SalahHasoneh1 - Palestine
- jupiter-47 / @jupiter3301 - Netherlands
- w31rd0 / @Troll_13 - Greece
Don't see your country represented? This is your chance to lead and inspire! We're always looking to expand our community of brand ambassadors with passionate individuals who want to make a difference. If you're interested in establishing a new chapter and becoming an ambassador for your region, please apply here. As an ambassador, you'll have the unique opportunity to build a local community of hackers and infosec specialists, organize events, and contribute significantly to our global mission of securing the internet.
Together we hit harder!