10 Ways to Hack Your “New Normal” Workweek

Our mission at HackerOne is to empower the world to build a safer internet. However, we can’t do that unless we are healthy ourselves. As a company inspired by hackers, HackerOne is taking this unique time to hack our Employee Success programs to provide our people with additional support to ensure the wellbeing of all Hackeronies and their families.
Here’s a peek at the fun programs and perks we’ve implemented at HackerOne based on input from our people. I hope you find inspiration from these and hack a few for your team...
#1) Dedicated Hack-COVID Teams
HackerOne implemented two Hack-COVID teams: one at the executive level to lead the COVID-19 approach and the other at the operational level to focus on execution. The ability to make quick but major decisions with little to no warning was essential, such as closing all global offices and ceasing business travel company-wide.
Employees — or Hackeronies as we call ourselves — rallied behind these decisions, underscoring their trust in leadership and our default to disclosure culture. We were nimble and we moved fast. These abilities will serve us well as we grow.
#2) Wellness Wednesdays
One of our biggest moves was to implement Wellness Wednesdays by ending work at 2pm every week on this weekday during the COVID-19 crisis. Our Hackeronies share wonderful stories and pictures of how they are using this time.

I also can’t stress enough how important time off is right now. Taking a day or week off for a “staycation” might seem like you’re burning through vacation time without much of a destination, but the alternative is burn out. We owe it to ourselves to turn off endless email and to unplug. We offer unlimited time off and we’re encouraging them to use it regularly.
#3-7) Daily Focuses on Wellness
Why limit wellness to Wednesday? In addition to our HackerOne Strong Wellness program that provides a monthly stipend to all Hackeronies, we developed ways to replace traditional office perks whilst everyone is working from home.
Mindful Mondays. Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. Hackeronies can learn the basics of mindfulness through a selection of mindfulness training exercises offered weekly.
Tuned-In Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, we offer a 30-minute course to learn the basics of stress reduction techniques and how to cultivate presence and bring compassion to the world. This weekly course is designed to equip Hackeronies with tools that they can use in their daily lives.,
Workday & Wellness Wednesdays. In addition to the early 2pm sign-off, Hackeronies can participate in a 45-minute fitness class. The course is focused on mobility and core strengthening exercises with a special focus on upper back strength to reverse the effects of excessive sitting.
Thankful Thursdays. Employee recognition and appreciation benefits everyone: Hackeronies feel seen and valued and managers get the psychological benefits of practicing gratitude. We’ve ensured that we have remote-friendly plans to continue to appreciate our teams and recognize their great work. We encourage teams and managers to designate “Thankful Thursdays” to their teams and do ‘cheers for peers’ for each other.
Flexible Fridays. Every Friday, employees can learn the basics of gentle yoga and stretching that can be incorporated into daily life in this 30-minute class.
#8) Hack Our Processes and Perks
Other ways we’ve hacked our work and our perks:
All events are now virtual and we moved to global online interviews and remote onboarding within days.
Hack COVID-19 Digital Channels — At the start of the pandemic we developed digital channels dedicated to Covid-19, such as #hack-covid19, #hacking-remote, #on-the-bright-side, #showerthoughts and #H1-confessions, to allow for spontaneous, randomized and positive communications about COVID-19.
Hack COVID-19 Blog — A weekly internal blog for Hackeronies to communicate updates on COVID-19 in each region, as well as available resources and programs.
Work From Home (WFH) Reimbursement — For each month during which Hackeronies are required to WFH during COVID-19, HackerOne is providing a reimbursement — to help with any costs incurred. In addition, we provide reimbursement for ergonomic purchases to ensure WFH spaces are comfortable and safe.
Conversations with an Executive — To ensure a flow of conversation between the Executive Leadership and Hackeronies, we started periodic meetups, or small group conversations so Hackeronies stay connected to leadership.
#9) Mental Health Hacks
HackerOne’s People Program Manager Pamela Greenberg has been providing a series of presentations on tools and resources to address mental health. Pamela had a previous career as a psychotherapist and practiced for almost 10 years. Her experience in mental health informs a lot of the work she does at HackerOne. The goal of this series is to make sure Hackeronies have the tools and resources needed to cope during these unprecedented times.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This online training provides the basics of CBT, discussing what it is and examples of how to use it to manage negative and anxiety-provoking thoughts, especially during COVID-19. HackerOne has also made this video training available here.
Kindness to others: Mental Health and Allyship. Pamela shares information on allyship and how we can best support those who might be coping with mental health issues. The goal is to provide useful tools to practice support and kindness to others especially during these uncertain times.
#10) HackerOne Gives Back - hackforgood collaborator
Each of us can give time or money to help society during COVID-19. Find out more on what HackerOne and our community of hackers are doing to hack for good in support of COVID-19 relief here. It feels good.
At HackerOne, we believe the only way to win is together, and ensuring every Hackeronie and our community of hackers is healthy plays a vital part in making this possible. We want Hackeronies and our growing community of hackers to innovate and work hard, and we want to ensure that they and their families are healthy.
In the face of COVID-19 and shifting to an all remote workforce almost overnight, we have developed some innovative ideas to hack this unique situation and are excited to share. Please take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe.
I’d love to know what routines, programs or perks you are hacking! Please share your innovative hacks on Twitter with the hashtag #hackforgood to share with our community. You can also write to us, or send digital smoke signals to feedback@hackerone.com.
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